
Latest From Dev Log

Control Game


Touch Screen
This game is complete with touch screen functionality in android. Users of the system run this game which functions the same system as the mouse, that is by pressing the screen to select, touch the screen right in the area you want to move, touch the screen hold and then slide according to the desired direction used to run, Touch the screen with 2 fingers and then get closer (ZOOM OUT) this function is used to cancel the command or open the game menu


Mouse: Users can play this game using the mouse. The way the user can point the mouse cursor to the key you want to press. Then if you have to point the cursor to the desired button, then the user can directly press the left mouse click to select the button. Right click to cancel the command that has been selected or open the menu. Scroll to select. To set the movement of mause players stay pressing the left click to go to the destination, then the character will move directly to the place


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