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Karakter Pahlawan Legenda Kristal

A. Karakter Utama

This character is the main character in the game. At the beginning of the game will choose between white heroes and black heroes. For the character above is a white hero. The character above is the main character that will be played using the desired name. Here he will become a hero who will convince past royal heroes to help save humanity from future destruction. The choice of a black hero will be chosen if the player has finished the white hero story to completion.


The name Prabu Siliwangi himself is actually another name for Pangeran Pamanah Rasa. King Siliwangi is said to be one of Raja Pajajaran as written in the book of Suwasit. Raja Pajajaran, which is identical with the White Tiger, is known as one of the sakti kings that the Pasundan country (West Java) once owned. In the middle of leading the kingdom, Prabu Pamanah often wanders to an area. In one of the contingents, Prabu Pamanah Rasa is blocked by a White Tiger stealth in the forest located in the Majalengka area. Women are inevitable. The Prabu Pamanah Rasa and the White Tiger Demon, which is known to have such high magic, fought fiercely. But the power of King Pamanah Rasa managed to win the battle and make the White Tiger stealth submit to him. Thanks to this, Prabu Siliwangi has the title, Sri Baduga Maharaja. It is said that in his time he was the wisest, fairest, authoritative king, and loved by his people. Because of this statement it can be attributed to this game that King Siliwangi can have the power of crystal because it has defeated the white tiger stealth and has a noble heart. Narrated in the history of the death of King Siliwangi still unknown cause and reportedly he disappeared into the unseen realm or called NgaHyang (Disappeared). Because of this incident, this character can be connected to the game by connecting the story that King Siliwangi was brought by future humans with a time machine to save humanity from destruction.

C. Raden Ajeng Kartini

He was Raden Ajeng Kartini, he was known as one of the national heroes who was known to be persistent in fighting for women's emancipation when he lived. New ideas about the emancipation or equality of indigenous women's rights if Kartini is considered as a new thing that can change people's views. In addition Kartini's writings also contain the meaning of Godhead, Wisdom and Beauty, humanity, and also Nationalism. R. A. Kartini has respect as the title of hero of Indonesian independence and writing

 a collection of letters that have changed the views of the people, one of which is "Door Duisternis tot Licht" (After Darkness of Light) and has established a school for women. From the above statement can be linked in the game that I want to introduce to the current generation how great this figure is. This character is made in the game and will be included in several important events during his life, so that the current generation can recognize his struggle in the past to advance Indonesia. In the game, this character has a noble heart because of his actions and in the future advanced technology has been provided with crystal power that can only be used by noble-hearted people. Later this character will have the power in the medical field or healing that serves to support other characters during the battle.

D. Joko Tingkir

Joko Tingkir has the real name of Sultan Hadiwijaya which was before being given the title of having the name Mas Kerebet. Joko Tingkir has a heirloom in the form of a belt (timang) of Kiai Bajulgiling given by his teacher Ki Buyut Banyubiru or Ki Kebo Kanigoro. Because it is said that Timang Kiai Bajulgiling was made by Ki Buyut Banyubiru from pure steel seeds taken from the lumps of Mount Merapi's lava magma and crocodile skin. With his magical powers, the pure steel ore by Ki Banyubiru was made into an heirloom. This heirloom has immune powers of all kinds

sharp weapons and feared by all wild animals. This is in addition to the natural strength possessed by the core of the pure steel seed itself, also because of the strength of the magic power of the skull which Ki Banyubiru engraved around the crocodile-skinned scales. In every place he visited Jaka Tingkir always took the time to gain the magical powers of kanuragan and magical powers. Increasingly increasing his age, his knowledge, so that he has a magic that is difficult to find a match. Because of the statement above, in this game, Joko Tingkir can be linked to having the power of crystals because he has a Timara Kiai Bajulgiling in which there is the power of a stealth crocodile king. Because he has a noble heart, Joko Tingkir can have the crystal power of the crocodile's stealth.

E. Patih Gajah Mada

Patih Gajah Mada was a warlord and a figure who was very influential in the days of the Majapahit kingdom. During the reign of Sri Jayanagara, he was appointed a Patih. He became Mahapatih (Minister of the Great) in the time of Queen Tribhuwanatunggadewi, and then as Amangkubhumi (Prime Minister) who delivered Majapahit to the peak of his glory. Gajah Mada is famous for his oath, namely Palapa Oath, which is recorded in Pararaton. He stated that he would not eat palapa before successfully unifying the archipelago. Patih Gajah Mada was told to have the magic obtained by meditating behind the Madakaripura Waterfall which was located in the wean village and managed to master the Wind Science and Aji Mundri. And there was also a war between Kebo Iwa and Patih Gajah Mada which initially the strength of both parties was almost balanced. Finally, Kebo Iwa was killed by Gajah Mada without feeling disappointed or losing. In fact, he could say an oath, if the land built by Gajah Mada and his descendants would be colonized by white people at any time. Kebo Iwa exhaled to make this country united in the Majapahit era. And Gajah Mada's death is still a mystery because he experienced Moksa (disappearing in the unseen realm). From the above statement can be linked in this game, namely Gajah Mada experiencing moksa because it has been down by a group of time travelers to help humanity in the future, and he gained strength when meditating in the waterfall by meeting the genie who have the power of crystal .

F. Spesial Agen

This character is the only character from the future, he doesn't have the crystal power of a good genie. These characters rely on technology and martial arts (karate) to fight their opponents. This character is assigned to help the main character in carrying out his mission

G. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul

Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is a very popular figure in the people of Java and Bali. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is a Holy Spirit who has noble and kind nature, he comes from a high level, has descended in various worlds with the identity of the local holy figures in different times. Surakarta Palace as Kanjeng Ratu Ayu Kencono Sari. He is believed to be able to change form several times a day. This character is important to make this game more interesting. In the game includes that this character is included from the genie class that has crystal power. And this character has natural powers, namely Fire, Air, and Land. This character is there because it wants to make this game more interesting, because the opponents that will be faced in the future may include from the devil (evil genie).

H. Ratu Leak Rangda

Rangda is the queen of the leak in Balinese mythology. He has long nails or claws. It is said that most likely Rangda came from the queen of Mahendradatta who lived on the island of Java in the 11th century. The name Rangda means also a widow. In this game this character is a supporting character to make the game story more interesting. At first it was told that this character was a symbol of evil. But because of the efforts and struggles of the crystal heroes, the queen of leak is successfully persuaded to join in saving humanity from future destruction.

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